Poetry, prose, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
not a cry for help, just a crying out is a collection of prose and poetry. It’s about coming to terms with the futility of it all. It’s about loving anyway. It’s the fear of turning into the flames that burned you. It’s about all the endings— the kinds that let you softly turn away, the kinds that slam the door in your face. not a cry for help, just a crying out is about going back to your childhood home and not flinching at the rubble. It’s about how our bodies exist in this world, the lack of control we have over our physical forms. It’s existentialism, nihilism, absurdism. It’s spite, pure and bitter. It’s love in paperback form.
not a cry for help, just a crying out is a shout into the void. It’s a hand, reaching out, waiting for you to reach back.
Lily Rain is a fourth year college student at the University of Maine, with a double major in English and Psychology (but that’s the least interesting thing about her). When she was younger, she thought that making a wish at 11:11 would grant her the ability to turn into a mermaid. She also thought that she would grow up to be a volcanologist. Lily hopes to one day live in a small yellow house on the coast, with a garden and a pet mouse, and plenty of friends to visit. You can find more of her work @lilyrainpoetry on Instagram. This is her first chapbook.