questions for go-getters, by Nina Szenasi-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

questions for go-getters, by Nina Szenasi

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Nina Szenasi
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Poetry, chapbook, 24 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

One good way to fall asleep is to try to visualize every person in the world who is doing any given thing at that moment–your choice. You could think about every person who is sweeping their floor. Now imagine every person who is bending down to pick up a penny. A penny on a cold, mud floor. A penny in the fresh grass. A penny on a sticky floor. Sometimes it doesn’t work and you end up exploring the idea that mostly everyone is doing something, some activity that serves a need or desire, and that is truly wild.

questions for go-getters is a short series of notes written on an iphone. These snippets are loving observations and inquiries of everyday people and animals. Forever delighted by Jane Jacobs, who wrote about the city from various corner benches, this poetry offering bows to the joys of pedestrian level social “research”.

Nina Szenasi is an upcycled clothing monger, hairdresser, and clown. Born in a small industrial town in Southern Ontario, Nina now lives in Vermont. Nina performs and conducts most of their businessly affairs under the moniker The Stoof. .search-bar{ visibility: hidden !important; }