Alternatives, by Dalton Day-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

Alternatives, by Dalton Day

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Dalton Day
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Prose poetry, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Press.

Alternatives is a fantastical collection of prose poems (thirty to be exact) that allow the reader a look into Dalton Day’s head. These descriptive prose poems explore an out of the ordinary aspect of Day’s writing. Alternatives provides another option to reality, a world in which the “you” is able to feel the beating of a dog’s heart or not be stung by a hornet’s nest. A reality where you are safe.

Dalton Day is a trembling dog person, Pushcart nominee, and MFA candidate in The New Writer's Project. He is the author of the chapbooks Fake Knife and TANDEM, and his poems have been featured in PANK, Hobart, and Everyday Genius, among others.

Cover art by Lindsay Anne Watson.