Poetry, chapbook, 36 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
Twenty seven poems about the comfort of failure and confusion. From the dizzying patterns, where a dream’s fingers interlock with reality’s and logic falls in the deep end, thrashing to survive, you see something you think you know, but it’s all… watery. Recognizable, but a total mystery.
The last seven poems in this collection, subtitled CIRCLE I-VII, serve as the chapters of an experimental story about the weird place where a racing, waking mind drifts off. Written in the wet language of another world. One we all speak at night, jot down in dream journals half asleep, toss in the trash after coffee… But I kept a few.
Sean Tierney is a printmaker and maintenance worker in the state of Florida. He was a contest judge for the Poetry Society of South Carolina in 2018 and released a book of 151 poems, titled GROUND PEARLS, in 2022. His poems can also be found in issues of Streetcake, Canary and Poetry South.