Fireflies & Hand Grenades, by J.B. Stone-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

Fireflies & Hand Grenades, by J.B. Stone

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J.B. Stone
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Poetry, chapbook, 36 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

Fireflies & Hand Grenades is my personal culminated anthem of my own lived experiences as a Neurodiverse and Autistic writer. My poetic body is a fragmented mosaic, seeking to confront the “hand grenade” issues such as; Body Dysmorphia, Depression, toxic masculinity, ADHD, High Anxiety, Alcoholism, and finding a light at the end of a long, and winding tunnel (i.e., the “fireflies”). Through this I explore the ways and means of hope and empowerment in spaces where both entities seem to be absent.

J.B. Stone is a Neurodivergent/Autistic slam poet, writer, editor, and literary critic from Brooklyn, now residing in Buffalo, NY. He is the author of A Place Between Expired Dreams And Renewed Nightmares (Ghost City Press 2018) and INHUMAN ELEGIES (Ghost City Press 2020). He is the Editor-In-Chief/Reviews Editor at Variety Pack and a Reader at Uncharted Magazine. His work has appeared in Chicago Review of Books, Atticus Review, Noctua Review, Peach Mag, Maudlin House, among other places. .search-bar{ visibility: hidden !important; }