Prose, chapbook, 40 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
I Do Not Know dances between delusion, delirium, and dream-like wonder. Painfully self-aware so much so it is suffocating at times, this collection of pieces ponders love and heartbreak in a way that is as blasphemous as it is beautifully bold. The words weave in and out of each other often circling back to where they started, perhaps, with some compassion for where they have come from.
Being young means recycling and revising versions of yourself which no longer exist. It is a constant negotiation between who you are, where you came from, and the grief that grows where nostalgia dies. Is time linear or cyclical after all? I do not know, do you?
Cass is a South Florida native with an affinity for the surreal and the sublime in art as well as life. She has previously been published in Roi Fainéant Press.