New Age Self Help, by Sam Robinson-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

New Age Self Help, by Sam Robinson

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Sam Robinson
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Poetry, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

Do we wear the husks of so many dead dreams as to become immobilized? From where do we receive the values by which we evaluate the world? In short, is it possible to have a new thought, and where would it come from?

Whether from the animal within or the stars without, Sam Robinson seeks the answer in his debut chapbook, New Age Self Help. Depicting a weekend sojourn of dissolution and eventual solution, the author considers how we came to our place in the world, and answers his ultimate questions in the affirmative by attempting a revaluation of all values on his own terms.

Sam Robinson is a writer from Massachusetts whose poetry has appeared previously in Blue Arrangements, No More Prostitutes, Spectra Poets, SWAMP, and Reap Thrill. He is also the singer and lyricist of the band Be Released.