Poetry, chapbook, 28 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
solacement: of finding joy in misery is a dichotomous work, moving back and forth between elation and despair to portray love, illness, and embodiment.
solacement is a piece that focuses on the positives and negatives of life, situating one perspective next to the other. It also utilizes nature and the seasons to clarify various mental states and moods.
solacement: of finding joy in misery reveals that while things aren’t perfect, peace can still be found when navigating life’s ups and downs.
Madalyn R. Lovejoy (she/they) is a soon-to-be graduate studying Psychology and Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Iowa. Her poetry can be found at Querencia Press, Delicate Friend, sage cigarettes, and Wishbone Words, among others. Her short stories can be read at Cave Writing Magazine. Their debut poetry chapbook, amelioration, is published by Bottlecap Press. They can be found anywhere @mad_lovejoy.