Sweet Dreams!, by Ava Bloom-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

Sweet Dreams!, by Ava Bloom

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Ava Bloom
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Poetry, chapbook, 28 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

Sweet Dreams! Is a collection of poetry about the true nature of the dream world and its manifestation. It explores possibility without the limits of practicality. Dreaming is knowing yourself truly and completely, and that deserves to be honored. Sweet Dreams! is a love letter to the comfort of letting yourself be wrapped up in dreams.

More than anything though, Sweet Dreams! is a coming of age story, and always will be. It is about personal evolution that comes with any age. It emphasizes the importance and truth in memory. Every day, the sun will rise and we will wake up, and we will do it again; and our dreams will always stay with us.

Ava Bloom was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland and is pursuing a degree in English and Philosophy from The University of Maine. She is also a pisces if that tells you anything. She published her first chapbook, New Year's Resolutions in March in 2022 with Bottlecap Press.