Wrath of a Thousand Words, by Riley A. Ambers Reynolds-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

Wrath of a Thousand Words, by Riley A. Ambers Reynolds

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Riley A. Ambers Reynolds
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Poetry, chapbook, 48 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words but what happens when you take those photos and try to form the words? Armed with an album of fifteen photos, twenty pieces emerge.

Wrath of a Thousand Words is a collection that allows itself to see the happiness but feel the rage. A work that calls for both rose colored glasses and seeing red. Read on through experiences one hopes to be unique but is relieved to know that they are not alone in. Wrath of a Thousand Words emerges in a flash, takes its time to develop and is meant to leave an impression—just like a polaroid.

Old enough to vote, but not do much else when her first work was published, Riley Reynolds began submitting her work out of spite. Having thought that publishing her writing would inevitably be too personal, Riley began to love the feeling of being exposed to those who could spare the twelve dollars to read her innermost ruminations. Above all, Riley is a young woman with a love for the written word. Whether it is the deconstruction of a potential paramour's text, the perusal of historical documents, (or romances) or even the analysis of minute political word choices in released statements and advertisements—You can find Riley using words to discuss words.

Old enough to vote, but not do much else when her first work was published, Riley Reynolds began submitting her work out of spite. Having thought that publishing her writing would inevitably be too personal, Riley began to love the feeling of being exposed to those who could spare the twelve dollars to read her innermost ruminations. Above all, Riley is a young woman with a love for the written word. Whether it is the deconstruction of a potential paramour's text, the perusal of historical documents, (or romances) or even the analysis of minute political word choices in released statements and advertisements—You can find Riley using words to discuss words. 

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