Poetry, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
Fig Wasp has an inferiority complex. Fig Wasp is in love. Fig Wasp is fed up. Fig Wasp is in awe. Fig Wasp is jealous. Fig Wasp is sick. Fig Wasp is furious. Fig Wasp is whining. Fig Wasp is horny. Fig Wasp is cringe. Fig Wasp is defiant. Fig Wasp is petulant. Fig Wasp is many. Fig Wasp is alone.
The fig tree has great historical cultural significance, but what of its devoted friend the fig wasp? I, Fig Wasp explores power imbalances through this relationship, on a societal and an interpersonal level. The fig wasp reflects on what it is to be both pathetic and defiant, their place within and outside of production, and feeling like the annoying younger sibling, unsuccessful friend and whingeing lover.
Charlotte Heather is a queer crip writer from the North of England whose writing explores chronic illness in relation to societal roles, sex and relationships. Charlotte is a writing tutor and founder of the remote body. Their work has appeared in Hotel, Spam Zine and Lighthouse Journal.