head is a home, by Abbie Hart-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

head is a home, by Abbie Hart

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Abbie Hart
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Poetry, chapbook, 36 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

head is a home is a catalogue of all of the times Abbie Hart did not cry in the last two years. It is her debut chapbook, and clocks in at 24 strange poems that you could learn to love. To put it gently, it is about a house, and how to become one on your own terms. It is about how to treat yourself like a house. It is about how to like the house that you have become. It is about how to be soup. It is about how to be bread. It is about how to put both on the table and eat until you sob.

This chapbook is ultimately about being trapped in a house that embodies your life, and still learning how to unlock the door. It tackles violence-based and generational trauma, while still remaining soft. Abbie Hart is a dynamic person. And she has finally learned that. head is a home poses a question that is not a question. It screams in the woods at night. It is on your couch wrapped in a blanket. It is in your walls, in your bones, and hopefully, in your heart.

Abbie Hart (she/they) is a 19 year old poet from Houston, TX. She currently lives in Worcester, MA and attends Clark University as a sophomore. She has been published over 30 times, including in the Hiram Poetry Review, SAND, and BRIDGE, among others, and is the editor in chief for the Literary Forest Poetry Magazine. She was also previously a semi-finalist for the Houston Youth Poet Laureate, and is currently pursuing a degree in Art History and English. In her spare time, she learns useless skills, daydreams about pottery, and does her best to be a nice warm soup. She hopes you can love her, at least a little bit. head is a home is her first chapbook. Her website is abbiemhart.wordpress.com.