Poetry, chapbook, 44 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
What’s it like being the only guy in your pre-natal yoga class?
What do you do when your wedding toast becomes spoken word?
Which alcohol mixes best with C-PTSD?
BLOOD, BOOZE, AND OTHER THINGS IN NATURE is a poetry chapbook by award winning author C E Hoffman. Inspired by slam poetry, punk, and The Beats, Hoffman’s poetry tenderly and irreverently explores mental illness, sexuality, the nights we’ll always remember, and the ones we wish we could forget.
C E Hoffman is an author, screenwriter, poet, performer, lyrical journalist, and cat lover (not necessarily in that order.) A grant winner, Elgin Award nominee, recipient of a Silver Honourable Mention in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Award, and winner of the 2022 Defunct May Day Chapbook contest, they wrote their first novel at eleven years old, and have continued writing ever since. They’ve been published widely online and in print since 2010, and edit Punk Monk Magazine Press (2012-present.)
Full length releases include SLUTS AND WHORES (Thurston Howl Publications, 2021) and LOSERS AND FREAKS (Querencia Press, 2024.) Find more weirdness (and C’s chapbooks) at cehoffman.net
Newly revised and extended edition exclusive to Bottlecap Press.