Poetry, chapbook, 16 pages, from Bottlecap Features.
space cowboy on a little, uh, space exploration? discovers the narrator’s queerness in their early 20s. the poems are minimalist in style and follow a free verse couplet stanza formatting. other components of this work include a focus on imagery, a large dash of color (the writer has synesthesia), and modern Gen Z/Millennial cusp language.
the collection draws inspiration from nat raum and arden will. it is suggested to be read with the author’s other works: lacuna and after: transience, transference, transfusions, & transmutations.
tommy blake (he/they) takes bisexual disaster to a new level with his love for hyperpop, mid-2000s emo hits, and beachy indie pop. they wrote two collections similar to this title. they are after: transience, transference, transfusions, & transmutations, which is about the tenderness of queerness, and lacuna, which grapples with raw teen angst and queerness. his full length poetry collections are forthcoming in 2023: NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL HORROR! (Gutslut Press) and So, Who’s Courage? (Bullshit Lit.).