My mind is a cherry pit withering in the sun, by Ken Tomaro-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

My mind is a cherry pit withering in the sun, by Ken Tomaro

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Ken Tomaro
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Poetry, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

This chapbook explores the common themes we all experience in life; love, death, depression, dreams or simply the happenings of everyday life when we walk out the front door. We all have bad days or dark days but somewhere hiding in that perpetual dark cloud is the tiniest spark of hope and that, I believe is what gets us out of bed when everything around us seems pointless.

These are blue collar poems that will appeal to a wide range of readers. The simple, conversational style of poetry is relatable on many levels. Sometimes blunt, often dark but always grounded in reality.

Never until recently did he consider writing poetry. Not when he slid from the womb. Not when he felt the first tingle of teen hormones. Not after he got married, divorced, moved to another city, lost a couple jobs, moved back. It just sort of happened. Ken Tomaro, self-proclaimed poet laureate of the Cleveland sewer system, has been writing poetry for a few short years. He’s not famous, rich, recognized or read in schools across America. He has been published in several literary journals, done a couple podcasts, started the YouTube channel, Screaming Down the Poetic Highway, and that’s pretty damn impressive. .search-bar{ visibility: hidden !important; }