bits and pieces, by mia rae-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

bits and pieces, by mia rae

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mia rae
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Poetry, prose, chapbook, 28 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

bits and pieces is a debut collection of poetry bound together with the glue of late nights and the whims of a teenage girl.

I would like to say the world did not end when I was 15, but it did. Over and over and over again. Each time it did I picked up the pieces, and put them back in places I never thought they’d fit. Each page of this chapbook is a point in time when my world ended. Each word in this chapbook was me putting the pieces back in places I never thought they’d fit.

mia rae is a 19 year old from the midwest who spent a decent chunk of her life in Texas. She is passionate about poetry, scrapbooking, and the little things in life. Her writing often features hardships of love and loss while intertwining aspects of nature and space. She likes to subscribe to an optimistic nihilist view on life, and encourages others to appreciate the little things. .search-bar{ visibility: hidden !important; }