Abecedarium of Blood, by Caroline Grand-Clement-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

Abecedarium of Blood, by Caroline Grand-Clement

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Caroline Grand-Clement
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Poetry, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

Abecedarium of Blood is a tortured scream echoing through an empty church, a scream stuck between animality & humanity. With each letter, Caroline Grand-Clement reveals a new layer of hunger, a new layer of thirst. With each letter, she tries to contain the uncontainable & restrain the unrestrainable—but the blood still slips through the cracks & spills over every piece.

These poems are falling to their knees & asking for absolution at the same time as they are renouncing any god. They are carving an ideal out of marble only to break it upon the altar. They are snuggling up close to you & shying away from your touch in the same movement. In a word, these poems are desperate for someone, or something, to come home to.

This collection is the second in a series of Abecedaria Caroline Grand-Clement is working on, attempting to collect, capture, and classify the intense emotions that always seem so unclassifiable.

Caroline Grand-Clement is a queer artist studying language(s) under many forms. She is the author of sun of daedalus / song of anticlea (perhappened press, 2021), The Coward / The Liar / The Thief (Selcouth Station Press, 2021), & Abecedarium of Want (Bottlecap Press, 2021). Right about now, she is probably busy scanning the sky for birds. You can find her across the internet @octopodeshearts.