When Daylight Trickles, by Carl Gabriel Straut-Collard-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

When Daylight Trickles, by Carl Gabriel Straut-Collard

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Carl Gabriel Straut-Collard
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Poetry, chapbook, 36 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

When Daylight Trickles contemplates the relationship between natural light and radical consciousness. This collection of poems encourages the raw power and autonomy of sunlight to challenge our capacity to feel and exist in a world drowning in disillusionment.

When Daylight Trickles rediscovers simplicity, the beauty in our complexity, and the time and colors that fully surround everything else in between. While hope becomes more and more distant in our unraveling world, the words in this book dare to prove that with the perspective of daylight, the divine possibilities of the human imagination remain endless.

Carl Gabriel (he/ him/ his) is a Brooklyn native poet, writer, activist, and the co-founder of Release Productions—an artist collective and organization where he regularly hosts open mics and poetry readings. Carl has been sharing his poetry at cafes and bars across New York City since 2018. The themes found in his poetry include that of the everyday city-life, power and politics, spirituality, mother nature, radical consciousness, and the dilemma of the self. With an educational background in journalism and visual art, Carl allows the two distinct practices to help fuel his poetic writing style, both realistically and abstractly. In 2016, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University at Albany with a focus in Journalism, Communication, and English. Carl lives and works in the confines of the five boroughs. You can follow him on Instagram at @carlgabriel.poetry.