Dreaming on the Sandman's Beach, by Julia Balm-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

Dreaming on the Sandman's Beach, by Julia Balm

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Julia Balm
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Poetry, chapbook, 44 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

The sandman’s beach is a twisted sand castle, a demanding relationship between both sleep and water. Dreams tug at dazed perceptions as the sandman sprinkles sleep into our eyes and casts us off into a warped reality we’ll never quite understand. Exposing the chaos of fever dreams, this is a collection of poems akin to an ocean on fire.

In Dreaming on the Sandman’s Beach, the reader reasons with the poet, reveling each step through a shimmering world in sand, making sense of sea foam dreams left in the hour glass.

Julia Balm is a writer interested in reviving the passion of cosmist thinking and the metaphysical questions of nature and heart. She’s a PhD researcher at King’s College London studying outer space security and UK space policy. Alongside her recently published chapbook Spaghettification and Meatballs by Dancing Girl Press, her poetry appears in The Soap Box: Volume III, The Northern Appeal, The UC Review, and in PEN International’s Creative Witnesses.