It Was Good Until It Wasn't, by Frankkie-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

It Was Good Until It Wasn't, by Frankkie

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Poetry, chapbook, 36 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

It Was Good Until It Wasn’t captures the reality of dreams coming in and out of fruition. Frankkie takes the reader through a wandering collection of hope, celebration, devastation, and recalculation. Turns out the path from point A to point B is full of detours disguised by relationships, trauma, healing, and a lot of flat tires, leading to a life that is unrecognizable. Releasing the grip on the idealized concept of a future life allows a flux of poetry, love, and light into the life before our very eyes.

Opening with a tip of the hat to past, Frankkie recalls her 12 year old self that had a small dream. She soon realizes that she has fallen in love with the feeling of longing, and anything she obtains will only result in another dissatisfaction. Similar to her realization, there is no immediate resolution, just acceptance of what is.

Frankkie is a multimedia artist based in Long Beach, CA. Her work ranges from short films, scoring, poetry, knitwear, and music. Her friends describe her as “a girl who looks like she would have bug bites all the time,” and in highschool she was voted “Most Likely to Discover the Next Boyband.”

She is currently breaking out of her comfort zone and venturing into more experimental art, which will be found accompanying her upcoming music release in Spring of 2022.