Prose poetry, chapbook, 32 pages, from Bottlecap Press.
What are moon crumbs? Tidbits to light your way. Surreal, poem-like pieces that tell of hurt transfigured to healing, of the strangeness and wonder of growing up, of finding beauty in the face of inevitable loss. Moon crumbs are bite-sized, paragraph-length confections that taste alternately sweet, bitter, and savory; playful, sad, and rapturous. The speakers in this chapbook find their joy in nature, language, body, and artifacts of living, but most of all in love and human connection. So what are moon crumbs? Call them prose poems, call them lyrical vignettes, call them snacks for the soul, sprinkled down from a luminous place.
Sheila Dong is a nonbinary Chinese-American writer based in the desert. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in places such as Tinderbox Poetry Journal, SOFTBLOW, Radar, and Menacing Hedge, as well as being nominated for Best of the Net. A graduate of Oregon State University's MFA program, Sheila published their first chapbook Moon Crumbs with Bottlecap Press in 2019. Find more at sheiladong.carrd.co.