obituary for my hot sauce shelf, by Alexandra Weiss-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

obituary for my hot sauce shelf, by Alexandra Weiss

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Alexandra Weiss
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Poetry, chapbook, 28 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

obituary for my hot sauce shelf is a chapbook about bodies and how they change over time. These poems talk about disability as a process that is sometimes unpredictable, often in flux, and always reshaping embodied experience. From odes to heating pads and colon prep to grief over loss of function, this collection explores the highs and lows of life with chronic illness and high medical support needs.

obituary for my hot sauce shelf, above all, is a love letter to disabled bodies. We are everywhere, and we are living. We have fun. We have struggles. We sometimes have too much histamine in our bloodstream. And we have networks, connections, friends, and supports that help keep us going. If you have a body, this chapbook is for you.

Alexandra Weiss is a plant enthusiast and grad student. They edit for Another Chicago Magazine, make indie games as Cerberus Studios, and have written a chapbook, autumn is when the ghosts come out (Blanket Sea Press, 2022).