sing eternal, by Callie S. Blackstone-Print Books-Bottlecap Press

sing eternal, by Callie S. Blackstone

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Callie S. Blackstone
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Prose poetry, chapbook, 48 pages, from Bottlecap Features.

sing eternal is a hybrid memoir that was written in response to a suicide. As the writer processes this loss, the universe of the work continues to expand to consider her relationships with other men (especially the original, her father,) what it means to inhabit a body labeled female, sex and the commonality of sexual violence, and her own intimate relationship with suicide and a variety of self-harm tactics.

sing eternal utilizes many external sources/references, including hymns to an ancient Greek Goddess and the contemporary goddess that is Fiona Apple. The writer also utilizes the framework and language of witchcraft, a language that is inherently tied to womanhood and all the power and terror that lies therein.

Ultimately, sing eternal is one woman’s brutally honest account of what it means to live female in the wake of a series of diverse and significant endings.

All writers' proceeds from this chapbook will be donated to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Callie S. Blackstone writes poetry and prose. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in over thirty literary magazines and anthologies. You can find her at